Thursday, October 23, 2008

2-Minute Math

The children working hard on their math tests.

Ryan's Birthday Party

We had a great day! We worked hard all morning and then partied in the afternoon! Ryan was so Blessed by all of us!! Thank you for showing Ryan how much we appreciate him! It was great having him here today. The kids and I LOVE it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Amy's Farm Feild Trip

We went to Amy's Farms last Thursday. We saw a cow, went to a petting zoo, fed pigs, learned about gardening, fed a calf, and picked out a pumpkin! It was a great time---EXCEPT for all the flies!

Mrs. Barnes Violin Lesson

Mrs. Barnes came and taught the class about violins! Matthew played for us also! He was so good. Mrs. Barnes introduced us to many different types of music. She is an amazing musician! Thank you for teaching us and for the pencil!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reading Buddies

Our reading buddies enoying a good book with us.

Art Time

Creating our Fall leaves to decorate our classroom .


Our Combo Class having a great time at P.E.