Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spirit Rally

YEAH!!! Our class won for Crazy Hair Day!!! We get Einstein for a month and everyone received a candy bar! We were really excited! Way to have spirit Mrs. Paxton's Class!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Riley's Log Cabin Field Trip

Our Class Field Trip to Riley's Farm! We had a great time. Thanks to all the parents who came and enjoyed this time with us.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Thank you to everyone that came on Saturday to help prepare crafts. Our class was represented by Misty VanderBroek, Mary Wettish, Andrea Toupal, Deane Wells and Ryan Baker. We had a great time and got a lot done! Thank you for all your help which will benefit your children. I appreciate you all!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thank You Coach Rodriguez

Coach Rodriguez came and did PE with the kids today. It was an awesome experience for all. The kids really enjoyed being coached by him. Thank you for your commitment to out kids. The kids had so much fun, they didn't even realize they were exercising. Exciting pictures will be coming from future PE activities.

Friday Fun Time

The kids enjoying some free time to spend on different activities.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcome to my Class

We have had a great first week of school! We are establishing routines and we have a great group of kids. I'm enjoying every child in here. They are just precious. I'm looking forward to a fabulous year with lots of learning and fun! Keep you eyes posted for new news and pictures of fun classroom events! I'm Blessed to be a part of each of your children's lives.